Peter Hitchens: “We have chosen the wrong future.” | YouTube

Source: Peter Hitchens: “It’s over. Europe is doomed” – YouTube

Despite the rampant stupidity of the interviewer (and the clickbait title of this video, on YouTube – unless I missed something, I never once heard Peter Hitchens say “It’s over. Europe is doomed”) this is a very good and instructive video, which I wish more people would watch and take to heart!

One thing Hitchens did say, which I agree with 100%, is that “We have chosen the wrong future” – if, that is, by “we” is meant (as I know he did mean it) the political, social, and academic “elite.” We are not (yet, totally) stuck with our choice, however. We can re-choose. And I hope and pray we will!!!

(Peter Hitchens, by the way, is a remarkably sound-thinking man – like Sir Roger Scuton and a few others that still give me hope for Britain’s future!)

Author: The Anglophilic Anglican

I am an ordained Anglican clergyman, published writer, former op-ed columnist, and experienced outdoor and informal educator. I am also a traditionalist: religiously, philosophically, politically, and socially. I seek to do my bit to promote and restore the Good, the True, and the Beautiful, in a world which has too-often lost touch with all three, and to help re-weave the connections between God, Nature, and humankind which our techno-industrial civilization has strained and broken.

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