Boy Scouts of America may declare bankruptcy | New York Post

a Boy Scouts of America uniform beside an American flag

The organization has reportedly lost two-thirds of its members — some 4 million boys — since the 1970s.

Source: Boy Scouts of America may declare bankruptcy

“The Boy Scouts of America is mulling declaring bankruptcy amid flagging membership and an avalanche of costly sex abuse allegations, according to the Wall Street Journal.”

This is tragic. As a former Boy Scout and sometime Scouter, and the son of an Eagle Scout (who was also a Sea Scout), I would love to see a coalition of traditional Scouts and Scouters bringing suit to take back the organization from the idiots who have hijacked and destroyed it.

I deeply believe in the classical values, ideals, aims, and methods of the Boy Scouts of America. Of all the terrible things that have happened to and in this country in recent years (decades, actually), the decline and fall of the BSA is to me one of the – if not the – saddest.

Author: The Anglophilic Anglican

I am an ordained Anglican clergyman, published writer, former op-ed columnist, and experienced outdoor and informal educator. I am also a traditionalist: religiously, philosophically, politically, and socially. I seek to do my bit to promote and restore the Good, the True, and the Beautiful, in a world which has too-often lost touch with all three, and to help re-weave the connections between God, Nature, and humankind which our techno-industrial civilization has strained and broken.

2 thoughts on “Boy Scouts of America may declare bankruptcy | New York Post”

  1. When I saw the title of this one, my first thought was, “Why not – they have already become morally bankrupt.” I, too, came from a scouting family. When I was old enough to enter Cub Scouts, my mother was a Den Mother, and my father was Cub Master – then on to Scouts where my father was the Scoutmaster. When I was old enough, I became an Assistant Scoutmaster. I have my uncle’s Silver Beaver award that I inherited when he died. By two brothers followed right behind me. My bookshelves contain a collection of Boy Scout handbooks going back to the 1948 edition of “Handbook for Boys”. We were a Scouting family.

    The Boy Scouts went down in flames – shot down by the same thing that takes down so many good organizations: they were beholden to the demands of corporate sponsors. Allowing Atheists to join, then allowing homosexuals to join, then allowing girls to join – the Boy Scouts went down the same road that so many so-called “churches” of today went down. They tried to be like the world, thinking they would attract the world. Reality is that you can’t “out world” the world. They were no longer different. They no longer offered a real alternative. They wanted equality – an equality of mediocrity – and that’s what they got.

    I hope they do declare bankruptcy and put an end to it rather than dragging on and destroying what little remains of a once-great legacy. There are other groups being formed that are determined to not make those same mistakes. Disbanding the Boy Scouts would release a flood of support for those new alternatives.

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