“The Boy Scouts of America Filing for Bankruptcy after Embracing Liberalism” (Dr. Steve Turley), with further reflections

Source: The Boy Scouts of America Filing for Bankruptcy after Embracing Liberalism!!! | Dr. Steve Turley (YouTube)

Dr. Steve Turley comments on the (formerly Boy) Scouts of America’s plan to file for bankruptcy, as I reported earlier. While acknowledging that part of the economic aspect has to do with a botched job of handling some sexual abuse allegations dating to the 1970s, Turley accurately notes that the bigger issue for the Scouts is allowing themselves to be caught up in the contemporary liberal-leftist social matrix.

Noting that the Boy Scouts is at root – or has been, historically – a very traditionalist organization, with very traditionalist goals, he points out,

“The vision of the Boy Scouts has historically been to train boys in the virtues of obedience, courtesy, hard work, loyalty, [and] patriotism, through the physical rigors of camping, hiking, swimming, fishing, first aid, and the like. We taught boys such virtues because we believed that manliness, and specifically Christian manliness, was something that contributed inordinately to the flourishing of human society, and thus ought to be emulated and aspired to.
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